Gas & Bloating

Gas occurs as a natural result of the body’s digestion. Flatulence, burping and bloating are all caused by a build-up of gas. When gas does not leave the body through burping or flatulence, it builds up in the digestive tract and leads to bloating.

Some sources of intestinal gas in the colon include:

  • Impacted fecal matter in your colon puffing up after a meal
  • Changes in intestinal flora due to antibiotics or medications
  • Constipation: the longer food waste remains in your colon, the more time it has to ferment


Common Food Triggers

Most people wouldn’t suspect that fruits, sodas, and milk can cause gas and abdominal cramps. The fructose in fruits and sodas, and the lactose in dairy products can lead to these very uncomfortable digestive problems for some people. Bread is also a big contributor to gas build-up. Regardless of whether it is being gluten-free or not, it is still a starch and will cause gas.

The fermentation of undigested food in the colon is a common cause of intestinal gas. This is exacerbated when your digestive system doesn’t completely break down components in your food like gluten or sugar from dairy and fruits.

They say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Prevent future gas by testing your tolerance of certain foods.

Lactose Intolerance
It is estimated that up to 50% of North Americans are lactose intolerant. Test yourself with a milk challenge. Drink a full glass of milk on an empty stomach. You should know within an hour or two if it causes you problems.

Food Combining
Everyone tolerates food and food combinations a little differently. Some people may find they are gassy if they mix fruits and proteins, or proteins and starches. Experiment at mealtime with different combinations. Keep a food diary and note when you feel gassy. It pays to be aware of what you are eating at each meal!

To prevent excessive gas, it may help to:

Avoid Trigger Foods
Common offenders include beans, peas, lentils, cabbage, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, whole-wheat bread, mushrooms, beer and other carbonated drinks. If dairy products are a problem for you, try low-lactose or lactose-free varieties.

Eat Fewer Fatty Foods
Fat slows digestion, allowing more time for fermentation.

Eat and Drink Slowly
If you eat or drink fast, you swallow a lot of air. Slow down and chew more when you eat.

Use Digestive Enzymes
These help your body break down the indigestible components of beans, fiber, and fats. Digestive enzymes should always be taken before a meal so your body is prepared to digest the food as it hits your system.

If you already have gas, it may help to:

Try an Over-the-Counter Remedy
Lactaid and Dairy Ease can help digest lactose. If beans give you problems, try Beano. This digestive aid contains an enzyme that supports the digestion of sugar from beans and other vegetables.

Get Moving
Walking, jogging, and other exercise help to stimulate the passage of gas through the digestive tract.

The Major Cause Lurking Inside You

Through my work in natural health I’ve discovered that the main culprit of constant gas and bloating is usually a built-up fecal matter stuck in the colon. When you eat a meal, the old matter in your colon becomes hydrated and puffs up. This causes bloating that is felt throughout the abdomen.

A past client of mine who was a body builder and a nutritionalist said she always felt bloated. She tried everything: changing her diet, adding and subtracting supplements, and food combining. However, her problem with bloating and gas would not go away. Then one day she came to me and after several treatments, the old decaying matter finally released itself.  She could not believe the difference in how she felt and how the gas and bloating was now a thing of the past.

If you have chronic gas or bloating, it’s important to remove the old matter stuck on your colon walls. Unless it is removed, the symptoms will not go away regardless of changes in diet or lifestyle. Call me at (780) 906-2316 to book your next appointment and stop gas and bloating at the source.

Posted in Colon Health, Colon Hydro Therapy, Constipation, Fibre, Gas and Bloating, Greens and tagged , , , , , , , , .

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